Hilton Garden Inn - Mecca , Saudi Arabia

Only 1.5 km away from Al-Masjid Al-Haram lies our Hilton Garden Inn (HGI) project; an 884-room, 4-star hotel which is located on Ajyad Street in Mecca in proximity to the Holy Haram. This hotel consists of a 4-storey podium which accommodates the whole hotel facilities and 17 typical floors which accommodate the guestrooms. From the site contour, and the different levels of the surrounding streets to the existing building skeleton, many challenges
were faced throughout the design process to meet the client’s needs and functionality. This hotel includes a wide range of facilities that were designed to serve and meet all the needs of its guests throughout the different seasons, where different spaces were designed to flexibly adapt to be used for different functions based on the needs of the operations.
Ldp+Partners is the Lead consultant responsible for the Architectural and Engineering design of the project to meet Garden Inn standards. From planning functional spaces to designing interior elements, the meticulous attention to detail ensured compliance with Hilton’s specifications. Additionally, as the Lead Interior Design consultant, Ldp+Partners managed the design, coordination, and approval of interior elements to align with Garden Inn specifications.
Saudi Arabia